eBay is one of the greatest market places on earth. For a small fee, you can put your item in from of the world, literally. With such features, it's no wonder eBay gets millions of new listings a day. If you want to sell, you need to stand out from the crowd. Using the eBay auction site and paying attention can net you some serious money.
The first thing to look at is the title. Don't do the generic capital words like LOOK. This often turns off potential buyers. You have to look the expert part. Use keywords that buyers are using to find your item. If you visit eBay keywords where you can bid for ad placement, you'll easily find out what are the popular words.
Remember this: searches only look at the titles, not the subtitles, and not the item page. Next we'll look at the subtitles. These are important to provide further information that is less important than the title information, but still vital. It could be to clarify the item somewhat, or it could be free shipping, anything of that nature. Searches don't use subtitle words for matches, so you are looking to provide the buyers more information.
Next, we'll discuss the gallery picture. Many don't use it, but it's a fact that it either nets you more sales or more money on an auction, depending on the type of sale. A nice picture of the item you're selling can go a long way. The item page itself is where the real winners stand out.
There are many useful tips here: 1. Always include a picture, preferably a real photo if it's a real item. If it's not software or a service for sale, people want to see a picture of the physical item. 2. Don't make big paragraphs. Big paragraphs make people less like to read them.
Make each paragraph 4-5 sentences max. Mix it up with lists, pictures, and tables. You want to make it easy on the eyes and invite users to read.
3. Absolutely don't put blinking text of any sort. 4.
State your shipping prices on your main page. People want to know all the information up front. 5.
Accept PayPal. Most of the eBay users have PayPal accounts. Many people feel comfortable with paying through PayPal as it is owned by eBay.
Done right, the item page can really sell a user. You want to lay out all the information for the buyer is a nice-looking fashion. Without a doubt, it could sway your sales 25% either way. Another helpful solution is to look at buyers selling well and view their item pages to see how they flow. If you sell anything either online or in real life, an eBay auction is a definite solution to more sales. Done right, you can increase your online sales significantly further.
Find out about an eBay sniper at CodingCentre.com.
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